Brexit: the European legislation is still valid for a transition period

Brexit: the European legistalion is still valid for a transition period

Ahead of 1 February 2020, the day on which the UK will leave the EU and in accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the EU and the UK, the EUIPO has updated the Brexit section on its website.

“The Withdrawal Agreement stipulates that during a transition period that will last until 31 December 2020, EU law remains applicable to and in the UK. This extends to the EUTM and RCD Regulations and their implementing instruments.

This continued application of the EUTM Regulations and the RCD Regulations during the transition period includes, in particular, all substantive and procedural provisions as well as the rules concerning representation in proceedings before the EUIPO.”

Anne DESMOUSSEAUX, Founding Partner, Lawyer, European Trademark & Design Representative

Source : EUIPO

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