Attorney-at-law, Representative before the EUIPO (European trademarks and designs)
Julie graduated from the Paris law school in 2004, and holds a Masters degree in « Intellectual Property (IP) law, New Technologies and Industrial agreements » (1998 – Grenoble University) as well as a Masters degree in « Business Law » (1997 – University of Paris V).
She started her carrer in 1998 working as a Partner in the large Parisian IP law firm BDSA, later Bredema. She then worked in the Intellectual property group of the American law firm Baker & McKenzie for a few years, before joining the law firm Hisch Kobel in Geneva.
Throughout her carrer, Julie has assisted and advised large and medium-sized companies with the management of their Intellectual property rights (IP rights protection strategy, drafting legal opinions, negotiation of contracts, following IP rights registration proceedings….) in various fields including multimedia, IT, fashion, cosmetics, food, and the sports and pharmaceutical industries.
Her experience in IP also allows her to assist clients with litigation of disputes in the field of trademark law, design law, copyright, domain names and unfair competition.
In 2008, she joined the Intellectual property department of the company Lagardère Active, specialized in Multimedia and Press, where she handled cases with a very operational approach.
Julie founded the IP law firm EQUI/LEX in 2016, and joined forces with ALATIS in 2017.
Thanks to the close complementarity of the functions she has exercised so far, Julie offers an integrated, end-to-end service, combining proximity to the client with a very pragmatic approach, just like your internal corporate lawyer would do.
Julie is also a lecturer at the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) where she teaches within the « Embedded computers and Mobiles » Masters programme.